
Friday, November 23, 2007

Student Loan Debt

Can You Save Money by Consolidating with Sallie Mae?

The folks at Sallie Mae have put together a handy and user-friendly tool whereby you can quickly and easily figure out if consolidating your student loans with Sallie Mae® can lower your monthly loan payments. After answering 5 questions, the animated tool will show you how much you can save each month, if at all, by consolidating with Sallie Mae.

Click here to jump to the new Sallie Mae tool.

Caveat: Consolidation can be advantageous if, for example, you have many loans from different agencies. However, it's important to remember that a lower monthly payment can also extend the life of your student loan indebtedness by a significant amount. A longer loan term invariably translates to paying more in interest charges in the long run. Keep that in mind when making your decision.

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